Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Everything seems to be rotten!

I'm getting disillusioned with everything about our country, what with the non stop reporting by the media about everything that seems to be wrong in all aspects of governance and the attendant establishments. Scams are by the galore and fraudsters seem to have got into every level of the government and its institutions pressing for their agenda. Earlier, one used to feel smug about the fact that China and Pakistan - naming just our adversaries - were quite ahead of us in the degree of corruption, alongwith many others. But now one's at a loss after skeletons keep tumbling down everday with a sickening regularity.

And the aspect that frightens me is that the very watchdogs of our democratic set up, that are supposed to sniff out the wrongdoings so that appropriate corrective measures can be applied on time, seem to be floundering. Moreover, they seem to have lost their will to do what's expected of them. Or have they been stifled to the point of inaction by their political masters with enthusiastic help from the bureaucratic behemoth? When institutions lose their credibility, then everything is lost as it brings in general cynicism amongst the citizens - a dangerous proposition!

The latest fracas between the former CJI and a sitting judge of the Supreme Court is ugly, to put it bluntly. Another 'mallu' biting the dust? The controversy, however, needs to be sorted out at the earliest by the concerned parties and the truth must come out. Period!!

But having said this, the optimist in me feels that all that's happening around us, these days, will eventually clean up the system once for all and the 'good people' of the society will come out forcefully to make this country an envy to the rest of the world!!!

And may that take place at the earliest!

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