Saturday, September 24, 2011


The day had begun with the lighting of torches - each torch representing a batch/group whose members have passed into the mist of time - for the eventual lighting up of the eternal 'flame of remembrance' at the 'Stupa of Remembrance'. After this solemn function, we'd moved into the school auditorium for the 'Guruvandanam' - the programme of honouring of old teachers who'd shaped us into what we're today.

We, in the audience, were privileged to witness the historic occasion and were privy to some moving/tender scenes, inspiring speeches and wonderful gestures. And when it came to one-on-one interaction with those teachers, I realised that everyone of them, without exception, considered me as their own and opened up about their personal thoughts and fears. Their show of warmth and affection, recalling the incidents concerning me while I was a little boy, thrilled me to no end. It was truly humbling!

I'm gonna recall a few of those reactions as they mean so much to me and here I go:-
(a) NBN sir(our Chemistry teacher). I realise that I've missed out a lot by not attending the school's old boys' functions when I see your love and affection that I don't desrve. And when I'd told him that we're what we're thanks to him and his contemporaries, his retort had the stamp of his wit and I quote, ' Just like the newspaperboy delivers the newspapers without fail, like the milkman delivers the milk everyday, we too did our duty and did nothing out of the way'.
(b) Madhavan Nair sir(our Physics teacher). I'd a fall a couple of months back and had sustained an injury on my forehead. Consequent to that, I've frequent losses of memory.
(c) NG Thomas sir(our English teacher). My spondylitis troubles me quite a bit and travelling by road has become painful but I did not want to miss this opportunity of meeting all of you.
(d) KK Muthanna sir(my first House Master in Prasad) and his wife, Gauri Muthanna. Of course I remember you, you haven't changed much except that you've put on a little bit of weight. We still follow the activities of your grandfather's foundation.
(e) Dr. Samuel Raj sir and his wife, Thangam Samuel Raj(our History and Geography teacher). His statement, 'I'm sure you've maintained your handwriting even now', brought a lump into my throat.
(f) Saraswathy Amma teacher(taught us Biology). Of course Rajeev, don't I know you? You used to get good marks in my subject!

Truly humbling and I shall always remain indebted to each one of them who love me so much and what have I given them in return? Nothing! What made me feel guilty was that while they remembered me to such detail I must be honest that I've not even spared a thought for anyone of them.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be there on the occasion of the "Guruvandanam".

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