Sunday, February 26, 2012

A drill gone awry!

I'm really shocked at the way a 24 year old lady lost her life, at Bangalore, during a fire alarm drill last week. What makes the matter worse is the apathy shown by those concerned who doesn't seem to want to learn from the catastrophe!

Recapitulating the incident, the unfortunate young lady who'd volunteered for the tricky escape from the higher floor was given a rope by the fire servicemen to use for traversing down and no sooner had she started slithering down, the rope had snapped plunging the poor thing into that fatal fall. Two questions immediately spring to one's mind:-

      (a) Why wasn't the safety net in place to break the fall in case of such an eventuality?
      (b) Was the rope and all other material used for the exercise checked adequately for their worthiness
            prior to the commencement of the exercise?

The guilty needs to be brought to book without fail because this is an example of professional slackness and blunder.


There's a general tendency to take exercises lightly and not give them the seriousness that they deserve. They're executed and done just to fill up the registers and clear subsequent inspections! To highlight my statement, here's an announcement that I'd heard a 'Fire Officer' making quite a while back and I quote, "Surprise fire fighting exercise will be carried out at 1630 hrs next Saturday".

Wonder who was being surprised in this instance?

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