Saturday, September 29, 2012

A mother's apprehensions....her son's defiance!

We're at my cousin's place for the evening. It was pleasant as usual and the discussions kept on and on, never seeming to end. The topic of course was current and generated a lot of heat.

My cousin had broached the topic of her son's love affair. A touchy issue, but then. Though she admits that the girl is good for her son, she insists that it's a non starter because:-
     (a) The girl is yet to tell her parents all about her love.
     (b) She's dead scared of her father and will give up if he were to take a stand against it.
     (c) Her son is soft and brittle. He won't be able to survive a break up.
     (d) She insists that love, these days, is flippant and lacks the depth of her days.

But her son stands by his convictions and according to him the following will take place:-

     (a) The girl is finishing her engineering and awaiting her placement.
     (b) The day she gets her placement, she's gonna tell her parents all about him and them.
     (c) If her dad rejects the relationship, she'll walk away from her home to be with him!
     (d) He's exasperated about his mom's harking back to her days and her 'outdated' theories.

The father has been a mute spectator. It's my feeling that he doesn't want to offend either of the parties by taking sides!

My take.

I only hope that the son is able to prove his mother wrong and live a life with his love.


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