Saturday, February 9, 2013

Changing relationships!

I'm now going to speak of a family, quite close to us, in which relationships have changed drastically over a year after the passing away of the lady of the house.

The couple has three children - two sons and a daughter. They doted on each other, used to meet annually at the family house and were concerned about each other's welfare, so much so, that they got ecstatic when things went right and brooded when things went wrong for anyone of them. The elder son and the daughter are doing well but the youngest son has just begun to steady up in life, with his meagre earnings, thanks to a tight financial discipline, enforced by his smart, diligent wife. The two elder ones have built their own houses and have been concentrating on their children's higher education, whose performances have been spectacular.

 And quite suddenly, the lady of the house, who was in her early 70s, passed away due to a massive heart failure. As the funeral activities and other attendant rituals were winding up, the old man declared that the family house was being handed over to the younger son based on the decision taken by him and his wife, taking into account the ground realities. And he'd stay with each one of his children, in rotation, though it's common knowledge that he prefers to stay with his elder son!

The arrangement seemed to be working fine till the first remembrance day of the old lady. And then the elder children put across their thoughts unequivocally - dad has to be looked after by the younger son because of his inheritance of the huge family house and that they'd endeavour to visit him frequently. But the younger son's carefully nurtured family budget is gonna hit the roof, if and when the decision is implemented.

Now, this part of the agreement between the children has not been conveyed to the old gentleman as yet. And I'm pretty sure that it will break his heart when he comes to know about it!


1. The old lady was sure that she'd pass away before her husband. And she wanted her husband to stay with her daughter because she was sure that that was the best arrangement as the father adored his daughter and she, in turn, was fond of him.

2. The younger daughter-in-law was previously quiet and an ardent follower of her mother-in-law and the latter did show a sneaky preference to her over the senior daughter-in-law. But now she's vociferous about things being unfair if the 'burden' is thrust upon them!


Apologies if this piece sounds like a low quality gossip. But I've narrated the details, just to show how fickle human relationships are! Was all the love and affection on display, earlier, fake? How can relationships change just over a piece of land or a house?     

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