Sunday, March 24, 2013

In eternity.

The Sunday was hot and so, going out was unthinkable. I was plain lazy to do even the routine chores.

What I've observed over the years is that folks find the day as an excuse to stay in bed and catch up on their sleep.  And what amuses me is that most people give up even their fitness routines a holiday. It amuses me because to my mind, the body needs to be kept toned always for a healthy and thus, carefree life. The endeavour towards that end should not get interrupted by a Sunday or for that matter, any reason whatsoever.

One might say that one must enjoy doing whatever one might embark upon and getting up early on a Sunday morning neither invites happiness readily nor can it be ecstatic in the strictest sense.

So when I'd gone out for my walk this morning, the usual crowd was missing. There were just a handful of diehard walkers and I do not know whether I'm right in saying this, but at least a couple of them were forced to  be outdoors as their pet dogs needed the break. I owe an explanation for the tongue-in-cheek statement that I've made - their walks were short, both in terms of distances covered and the time duration that they're seen out. Probably, the cosy confines of their beds was too irresistible to be left unoccupied and therefore, they made a beeline for their destinations soon after their pets had finished their jobs!!

And no, I've no problems on that score so long as they're able to maintain their body fitness and anyways, it's their decision entirely, huh!


I could catch up with a bit of reading and also did some spring cleaning with the help of the vacuum cleaner. Effort on my part was the least, you see, thanks to the handy contraption! 

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