Saturday, February 27, 2016

Man's quest to remain young forever.

Researchers of the Newcastle University in UK have identified that the activity of a key metabolic enzyme found in the 'batteries' of human skin cells decline with advancing age. The 'mitochondrial complex II' significantly decreases in older skin.

The findings may lead to a greater knowledge about how the other organs in the body age, which could, in turn, pave the way for drug developments in a number of age related diseases including, cancer.

To quote the scientific bulletin, "As our bodies age, we see that the batteries in our cells run down and the phenomenon is known as decreased bio-energy, resulting in the increase of harmful free radicals. We now have a specific bio-marker - a target - for developing and screening anti-ageing treatments and cosmetic creams that may counter the decline in bio-energy."

The wonder drug to arrest ageing cannot be far away!

My take.

Is it worth living forever? Can man really change the laws of nature? Or is it that the very same laws are meant to be changed as mankind acquires knowledge about the secrets of life?

I'd asked this question earlier on this forum. Does one like to live when all those, with whom one started life, have passed into the mist of time and the younger generations start getting bored of seeing one a bit too long?  


But death cannot be avoided or be asked to slow down. Aged in countenance or youthful in looks at the time of death is inconsequential!

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