Monday, February 4, 2019

Limbering up for the medical review.

We were up at a half past 5 - though I wasn't aware - thanks to the alarm on Lekha's cellphone. She'd wanted that half an hour head start so that she could give me breakfast by a half past 7. The Rajah team had come promptly at 7 to draw our blood/urine samples. The girls took a bit of time to locate Lekha's vein and the entire process took about 15'!

Lekha and Preetha had gone to the Mammiyoor Siva kshethram for their weekly tryst. Meanwhile, the Rajah team had come in for the second time to collect my blood sample to ascertain 'blood sugar - post prandial'!

The results were brought in a trifle before lunchtime. Lekha's results are okay and she is slated for her review with her doctor on 07 Feb. But mine had spikes in the sugar readings as well as the SGOT/SGPT readings. The changes have to be observed in the next set of readings after a fortnight or so!

After almost a fortnight, an electrician by the name of Xavier had come by to rectify the geyser in one of the bathrooms. He got it going and thankfully, it was a defective circuit breaker that needed to be replaced! However, I,  feel that the problem has not been licked entirely thanks to a water drip from an inlet point in the geyser. I'd also got him and his mate to recharge the distilled water in the batteries of the inverter and the solar powered light in front of the house.


1. The drama at Calcutta is going on without respite. Perhaps, the logjam will be brought to an end          after the hearing of the case by the Supreme Court tomorrow morning.

2. The Kerala Government had announced that only two women had entered the Sabarimala temple
    in the Legislative Assembly, today. So, why was that bogus list of 51 ladies - under 50 years -
    submitted in the Kerala High Court by the same government some time back?


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