Friday, November 5, 2021

A hotchpotch.


Can you say quickly and without using a calculator how much 4% of 75 is? Or 18% of 50? Ben Stephens suggested recalling a simple life hack. There's nothing revolutionary in this principle. It can be formulated as "X percent of Y equals Y percent of X".

So if you can't count 18% of 50 in your mind, just count 50% of 18 and get the same number.

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Who is your life partner?


Not at all!
Your real-life partner is your body.
Once your body stops responding no one is with you.
You and your body stay together from birth till death.
What you do to your body is your responsibility and that will come back to you.
The more you care for your body, the more your body will care for you.

What you eat, what you do for being fit, how you deal with stress, how much rest you give to it; will decide how your body is going to respond.

Remember your body is the only permanent address where you live.
Your body is your asset/liability, which no one else can share. Your body is your responsibility. Because you are the real-life partner.

Be fit. Take care of yourself. Money comes and goes. Relatives and friends are not permanent.

Remember, no one can help your body other than you.

Pranayama - for lungs.
Meditation - for mind.
Yoga - for body.
Walking - for heart.
Good food - for intestines.
Good thoughts - for soul.
Good karma - for the world.

- Sri Sri Ravishankar.


Got up around 6, the chores and was ready by 9.

Another quiet day! Started off as a sunny day but quickly changed into a rainy day.

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