Friday, October 21, 2022

The Himalayan Blunder of 1962.

Yesterday, 20 Oct, was the 60th anniversary of the start of the 1962 war of aggression by China against India. A period that all Indians and especially, the armed forces look back with great grief at a lost war brought about by an ignorant and egoistic government, pliant brass of the armed forces and a cunning enemy. The woefully kitted soldiers with inadequate weapons and ammunition were a sure recipe for the mammoth scale of defeat which was cushioned, to a considerable extent, by acts of spectacular valour and courage on the part of extraordinary men at the Sino-Indian border. My salutes, tears and prayers to each one of them on this occasion.

A month long disastrous conflict for which the political dispensation, headed by PM Nehru and defence minister VK Krishna Menon were directly responsible. Nehru, without appreciating the consequences, ordered an unprepared, poorly armed and ill equipped army to implement his weird 'forward policy', with absolutely no intelligence and wherewithal to back it up. His defence minister brushed aside all fears of a Chinese retaliation. What happened, thereafter, was a series of shameful events, with the government fumbling and panicking. The inept favourites of Nehru, placed at the top slots of the Army hierarchy, proved unworthy for the job. The IAF wasn't ordered into the war for bizarre reasons.

The government of India faltered fatally along with their chosen, inept army top brass.

The army fought desperately against all odds. Major Shaitan Singh PVC, Major DS Thapa PVC, Subedar Joginder Singh PVC, Rfn Jaswant Singh MVC and many others like them defended every inch of Mother India before making the supreme sacrifice. Units like 2 Rajput and 4 Rajput, under Lt Col Brahmanand Avasthy, perished fighting to the finish, inflicting huge casualties on the enemy.

The army suffered a severe loss of face for no fault of theirs. The nation also witnessed many in the undivided Communist Party of India taking a pro-China stand. A prominent communist leaderwas prevented from donating blood to soldiers.

At the end of it, Nehru should have resigned because he was largely responsible for the nation's and its army's humiliation. However, he did not quit.

The army learnt its lessons fast and five years later the Chinese were given a bloody nose, initially at Nathu La and later on, at Cho La.

Dedicated to the 1,383 killed, 1,047 wounded, 1,696 missing and 3,968 captured bravehearts of the army.


Had got up around 4 to ease my bladder and turned off to sleep only to get up at a quarter to 7. Lit the lamp at the puja room, opened up the house. The chores.

A quiet day and wet, since afternoon.

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