In West Asia, it's all about self interest. Gives us an understanding of why International Relations is a popular subject (It doesn't matter that the name ought to be changed to International onflict).
* Are Russians and Ukranians fighting over religion?
- No, both are Orthodox Christians.
- The Ukranians are supported by America and the Russians by China...
- That's right.
- The Chinese are atheists?
- Yes.
- And America?
- There are some Protestants, Catholics, Mormons and atheists in America....
- And Israel?
- What are they?
- They are of the Jewish faith.
- And the Palestinians?
- Palestinians are Muslims. Sunnis.
- Who supports the Palestinians?
- Iran.
- Are Iranians Muslims too?
- They are but Shiite Muslims. Who normally don't agree with the Sunnis but if they have to choose
between them and the Jews, then they are with the Sunnis.
- Yup.
- And the Albanians?
- Albanians are for Jews.
- But they are Muslims?
- They are but they are with America and America is with Israel.
- Okay. Then the Serbs from Bosnia are certainly against Israel.
- Nope, they are for Israel.
- Okay, and if Muslims from Albania are for Israel, then Muslims from Bosnia are also for Israel.
- No, they are for Palestine.
- Okay....And the Croats from Bosnia, they are in the Federation with the Muslims, so they are also
for Palestine?
- No, Croats from Bosnia support Israel...
- And Serbs from Serbia are surely for Palestine, which did not recognize Kosovo and against Israel,
which recognized it?
- Nope, Serbs from Serbia are also for Israel.
- And the Ukranians?
- For Israel.
- Then the Serbs are surely for Ukraine when they are also for Israel.
- No, most Serbs support Russia.
- Aw shucks, I felt like hitting something....
- Try it.
- And the Croats?
- For Israel.
- Then the Croats are also for Russia?
- No, they support Ukraine.
- Russians support Israel, right?
- No, the Russians are for Palestine because Iran is with them and Iran is Russia's ally.
- Okay, then surely Muslims from Bosnia are for Russia because Iranian Muslims are with Russia,
which is for Palestine and Ukraine is for Israel. Right?
- No, Muslims from Bosnia are for Ukraine and against Russia because Serbs from Bosnia are for
for Russia.
- Now nothing is clear to me anymore.....And the Turks?
- What Turks?
- Turks are Muslims, so they are for the Palestinians?
- Well, not really, the Palestinians drove the Turks out of Palestine together with the British, so they
don't like each other too much.
- Are the Palestinians enemies of the Turks?
- No, the enemies of the Turks are the Kurds.
- What are the Kurds doing now?
- Kurds are atheists.
- Yes, the Kurds are surely with the Chinese because they are also atheists.
- No, the Kurds are with the Americans.
- Then the Turks are against the Americans if the Americans are with the Kurds?
- Ultimately, the Turks are in the NATO, American allies.
- What the hell, what about those Armenians?
- What about them?
- What are they?
- They are Christians.
- Are they with the Russians?
- No, with the Americans.
- But those Azerbaijanis expelled them them from Nagorno-Karabakh?
- They did.
- Are those Azerbaijanis for Muslims from Palestine?
- No, they are for Israel.
- Then surely they are also against Iran because Iran is for Palestine?
- Azerbaijan is with Iran.
- And these Syrians are Muslims?
- They are.
- Then they are with the Turks?
- No, Turks and Syrians bomb each other all the time.
- The Turks are against the Kurds, so surely the Syrians are with the Kurds?
- No, the Kurds and the Syrians also bomb each other.
- Well, then Syrians must support Israel?
- No way, Syria is with Palestine 100%.
- Crazy. And the Montenegrins?
- What about them?
- Who are the Montenegrins with?
- Before they fought against Japan when there was the Russo-Japanese war in 1905 and now they
are allied with it through America and NATO.
My take
Isn't it mind-boggling and crazy? This is the true story on the ground!
Got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a half past 9 but not before Sajish had given me
a haircut.
The PCI guy had come by to carry out the quarterly services. Lekha had gone across to the ration stand to get our monthly dues.
Selvam came by and pressed the clothes and all of them were stowed back into their places. Johnson dropped by to hand over Lekha's medicine. Damn sweet of him.
The laptop did give me quite a few problems. A massive power failure prevented me from writing this blog. It was heavy rains accompanied by thunder and lightning!
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