Friday, October 16, 2020

The Law of Wasted Effort.

Do you know that lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts? Which means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeed in only 25% of them.

Despite this small percentage shared by most predators, they don't despair in their pursuit and hunting attempts.

The main reason for this is not because of hunger as some might think but it is the understanding of the "Law of Wasted Efforts" that have been instinctively built into animals, a law in which nature is governed.

Half of the eggs of fishes are eaten.......half of the baby bears die before puberty.......most of the world's rains fall in oceans.......and most of the seeds of trees are eaten by birds.

Scientists have found that animals, trees and other forces of nature are more receptive to the law of "wasted efforts".

Only humans think that the lack of success in a few attempts is failure......but the truth is that : we only fail when we "stop trying".

Success is not to have a life free of pitfalls and falls.......but success is to walk over your mistakes and go beyond every stage where your efforts were wasted looking forward to the next stage.

If there is a word that summarizes this world, it will simply be : continue all over again.

Source. What'sApp.

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In jest.

A woman walks into a butchery shop just before closing time and asks, "Do you still have chicken?"

The butcher opens his deep freezer, takes out his only chicken left and puts it on the weighing scale. It weighs 1.5 kg.

The woman looks at the chicken and at the scale and asked, "Do you have one that's a bit bigger than this one?"

The butcher puts his only chicken back into the freezer and then, takes it out again.

But this time when he puts it on the scale, he carefully keeps his thumb on the scale pan.

And the scale now shows 2 kg.

"That's wonderful", said the woman.

"I'll take both of them, please!"

In a situation like this, you realize at once that your integrity and reputation are firmly on the line.

Your wisdom becomes foolishness and your cunningness becomes stupidity.

Until now the butcher has his head inside the big deep freezer, looking for the first chicken.

Remember :

* Always tell the truth and you'll be free! * A good name is better than riches * Live to express yourself and not to impress others.


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by a half past 9. Two KSEB line men came by, asked me to shut down the inverter as they were going to work on the overhead line. Why was the requirement to shut down the inverter asked for, I'd my doubts on, but maintained my silence and went along with it. The electricity was restored at about 1800 hrs. And there were a few power interruptions in the course of the evening - subsequent to it - making me wonder as to what work they had carried out during the entire day?

Attended a webinar on "Eco Eureka Principles for Eco Digital Skills and Green Benchmarking" by Dr S Nagarathinam, Head of the Department of Communication and Linguistics, Madurai Kamaraj University from 1700 - 1800 hrs. It was an interesting presentation. 


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