Sunday, August 1, 2021

The best one-liners.

* Be ready to lose anyone anytime because forever doesn't exist.
* Pay close attention to the people who don't clap when you win.
* Hard times lest you, not kill you.
* Everyone loves you until you become a competition.
* No one is coming to save you; this life is 100% yours.
* Even the smallest lie can break the biggest trust.
* Fight with some bad days to earn the best days of life.
* To be a champion, you have to believe in yourself when no one else does.
* Never beg for something that can be earned.
* A lion never listens to the opinion of others. 
* It's okay to live a life that others don't understand.
* If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you'll stop living to impress others.
* Tears have no weight but they have heavy feelings of life.
* Most of the pain you are dealing with are really just thoughts.
* It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

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Your Mobile Phone 
It could be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.

1. Emergency Services.
The emergency number worldwide for all mobile phones is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and your mobile will search any existing network in your area to establish the emergency number for you and interestingly this no. 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. This works on all phones worldwide and is free.

2. Locked your keys in the car?
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button on the spare key (at home), holding it near the mobile phone at their end. Your car will unlock. Distance is not an issue.

3. Is your mobile phone battery flat? All hand phones have hidden battery power.
To activate, press the keys *3370#. Do this when the phone is almost dead. Your mobile will restart in a special way with this new reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery life. This reserve will be recharged when you charge your hand phone next time.

4. Disabling a stolen mobile.
To check your hand phone's serial number, key in following digits on your phone :
A 15 digit code will appear on the screen that is unique to your handset.
If your hand phone is ever stolen, phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the SIM is changed, your hand phone will be totally useless.

5. ATM PIN Number Reversal.
If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM, you can notify the police by entering your PIN# in reverse. The ATM system recognises that your PIN is punched backwards from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to the location. All ATMs carry this emergency sequencer by law.


Got up lazily, the chores and was ready by 10 o'clock. 

It was a comparatively quiet Sunday today.

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