Friday, January 28, 2022

Back at The Quarterdeck.

Dateline 28 Jan 2022.

Lekha and I watched the Mohanlal starrer 'Brodaddy' on Hotstar and hit the sack at a half past 1. The rest of the inmates were fast asleep, in their respective bedrooms, simply because they had seen it the previous day! 

Lekha's cellphone alarm woke us up at 5, the chores and we were ready after a delicious breakfast of soft, fluffy idlis and sambar. We set off for Mallan's Dental Clinic at Muhamma by a quarter to 8. The traffic was sparse and I kept a comfortable pace because we reached the clinic 5' before 9.  The doctor and his staff came soon after and they got into the groove of things without much delay.

Earlier, the new FASTag was made operational when we passed through the Kumbalam toll plaza! And I was thankful, for having a FASTag on our Chevy's number, HR 26BF 7325 at long last!! 

The gum that had settled over the implants had to be removed by surgery and she was put on three days of antibiotics, multivitamin tablets and painkillers. The crowns' locations over the implants were cleared and artificial ones were placed. Moreover, the problems she faced with the top furniture were sorted out and the whole procedure took a little over 2 hrs. The doctor had come and given us the debrief before we cast off from there at about a quarter to 12. Consequently, we'd an interesting discussion with the doctor's brother-in-law at Mallan's Kitchen where, I tucked in an uzhunnu vada whle Lekha had a chilled mango drink.

We headed straight for the INCS (Indian Naval Canteen Service) as I'd a few pending things to do there. Out cards - both, liquor and grocery - had to be renergised but I did not have my pension pay order which is mandatory on such occasions. I spoke to Indu, at the management office, who allowed me the renewal of the smart cards, on the condition that a copy of the PPO was to to be sent by mail on reaching Guruvayur.

So, finally, we could draw the grocery and liquor without hassles and my new credit card and its PIN was operational during the course of the two transactions. We'd a bite of lunch - Lekha, on a brownie and me, on a vegetable sandwich. 

We hit the highway immediately and was on our return trip to Guruvayur. The drive, again, was smooth and we reached The Quarterdeck by a quarter to 5. Kittu was there to receive us and he displayed his usual, delightful capers.

I was a bit under the weather and put myself on a course of antibiotics, straight away!

And I caught up with my sleep without much ado. Saw the serials of the day and we were pleased.  


Helped Lekha with the watering of the plants, finished the unpacking and opened up the house. 

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