Saturday, February 19, 2022

Avoid gossips.

"Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity".
A proverb.

Once upon a time, an old man spread rumours that his neighbour was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later he was proven innocent. After being released, he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.

In court, the old man told the judge, "They were just comments, they didn't harm anyone".

The judges, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man, "write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut it up into little pieces and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out of your car window. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence".

The next day, the judge told the old man, "Before receiving the sentence, I want you to go out and gather up all the pieces of paper that you threw out of your car window yesterday".

The old man said, "I can't do that! The wind spread them all over the place and I won't know where to find them".

Then the judge replied, "The same way, simple words and comments may destroy the honour of a person to such an extent that a person will not be able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, don't say anything at all. Let's all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words".

"Gossips are worse than thieves because they steal another person's dignity, honour, reputation and credibility which are impossible to restore. So remember this : when your feet slip, you can always recover your balance but when your tongue slips, you can never recover your words!"


Got up at a 20' past 6, the chores and was ready by 10.

Went to town to buy grocery from Harisree Supermarket, the fruit basket from the customary shop at the western entrance of the temple and the root, 'Raamacham' (which we use in our drinking water after boiling). Hameed was my sa'arthi.

Participated in the 556th edition of the Aazhchakkoottam : "Is Kerala in the vice grip of drugs?" by Shri Rishiraj Singh, IPS, Former DGP, Kerala Police. It was a nice interaction. The Foundation must actively get involved in reducing the use of drugs.

Participated in a prayer meeting of the Ex-Servicemen group of Thrissur to offer condolences to veterans, Maj PR Pillai, Col Varghese Kolangadan and Mrs Kochuthressia (wife of veteran Maj Devassy), who'd passed into the mist of time, recently.. 

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