Sunday, July 17, 2022

Are there people among us who wish that India burns? (1)

Yes, PM  Narendra Modi's critics!

"What is left for a virus to kill in a morally corrupt nation?" she tweeted on Twitter in Mar 2020. At the time, the pandemic was only beginning. The terrible news from China could no longer be suppressed. The devastation of Europe was unfolding. There was no denying this anymore. We have heard about the world wars. We have watched sci-fi movies about the end of the world. Now something terrible was about to happen to humanity during our lifetimes. For real.

America was already in the grip of the virus. India trembled. Soon it would be our turn.

What did you think about at that time? Perhaps you thought about your family and your livelihood. If you have faith, you might have turned to god. You might have reflected on our place in the universe. Or the meaning of life, family, community, nation and all of humanity. Were we going to be wiped out?

But not everyone felt this kind of anguish that makes us think about our existence. Rather they spoke as if uttering a curse on India. What is there for the virus to kill in a morally corrupt nation, they asked.

In their eyes, India had committed a sin by voting out their patrons. By doing so, the nation had become "morally corrupt". And for this sin,, India must pay. India must burn.

As our neighbour Sri Lanka collapses, as their prime minister flees and protestors take over the presidential palace, our liberals watch hungrily. Why is India not facing such a situation? You can feel it in their tweets. They crave the total destruction of India. The "morally corrupt nation" must pay.

This is a relatively new sense, something that has been around only since 2019. Why 2019? Because until then, they were willing to believe that 2014 was an exception. That the Congress would soon come back to power. Now they realise that it is no longer really possible. Now they just want India to burn.

So each morning they wake up and wish for something bad to happen to India. War, pandemic, terroristic attack, assassination, anything. Whenever they can, they try to stop something somewhere in India. It could simply be a metro line in Bombay. It must be stopped. Nothing is too small that it can be ignored. Is there a way to reopen Khalistani wounds and make India bleed again? They will go for it. Nothing is too big that they will worry about touching it. Anything to make the "morally corrupt" nation pay.

Did a mob storm the Red Fort in Delhi and plant their own flag? A way to show the morally corrupt nation its place. Is there another foreign newspaper that called India "fascist" today? They live for these moments. It does not heal their wounds but it gives them short sighs of relief.

Is the President of the United States visiting India? What if there were huge columns of smoke rising from the Indian capital that day? Would it make India cover with shame before the whole world? Yes, it would. The thought of that makes them happy.

And when the pandemic came, it gladdened their hearts like never before. Like ghouls, they danced around our crematoriums. They flew drones to get a better look at our burning flesh, to strip it off one last bit of dignity that they could seize and sell to the West for money.

The vaccines made them angry. No, India couldn't manufacture and administer so many vaccines, they said. Every time India set a new vaccination record, they screamed like their hearts had been torn out. How many dead, they asked endlessly? It can't be just a lakh. That is not nearly enough to satisfy their thirst for revenge on the "morally corrupt" nation. They wanted to hear 4 million, if possible 4 crore or even 40 crore. be continued. 


Today was the penultimate day of the 26th Reading Day/Reading Month celebrations which commenced on 19 Jun. 

We were off to the Foundation by 10 o'clock. A lot of groundwork was carried out for today's and tomorrow's activities.

The 4 o'clock meeting M Vijayakumar (former minister-former speaker), Anathalavattom Anandan (State CITU President), Adv VS Harindranath (former PSC Member), Jomon Puthenpurakkal (the man who brought out the closure to the Sister Abhaya case), Muralidharan Nair (vaastu acharya). The speeches made by the second and third speakers were touching and straight from their hearts!

Wished Ansuiya many happy returns!

Went across to the VJT Hall and got the hall ready for tomorrow's all Kerala quiz competition.

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