Thursday, August 8, 2024

Coming Kavach 4.0

Advanced 'Kavach' to keep tracks safe.

Kavach development

2014 - '15         Started installation on 250 route kilometres on South Central Railway on pilot basis.

2015 - '16         First field trial on passenger trains.

2017 - '18         Kavach specification version 3.2 finalised.

2018 - '19         Research Designs and Standards Organisation approves 3 firms based on Independent
                         Safety Assessment.

2020                 Kavach was declared a national automatic train protection system.

2024                 New Kavach 4.0 specification approved.

Improvements in Version 4.0

* Additional functional requirements such as 'temporary speed restrictions'.
* Direct interface to electronic interlocking with Kavach (Will remove relays and increase reliability).
* Station-to-station Kavach Communication for improved reliability.
* Authority to loco pilots for passing signal at danger in Intermediate Block Signalling and advanced
   starter on run.

The new Kavach version has undergone extensive trials across various terrains and weather conditions.


Got up at 5, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

A quiet Thursday.

Kittu came in only once.

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