Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dangerous fallacies.

What motivates people to become terrorists and jihadists? Many a time, youth from well-to-do families are found to embrace this dirty task, dispelling the myth that only the uneducated and the poor are attracted to this dangerous and unacceptable way of life. Probably it's in the waywardness in living and the strange feeling of having abundant power to dispose off lives - with the squeeze of the trigger of the firearm that they possess, flouting existing civilised laws - that attract them to it.

Their initiation is rigorous when they're fed with the craziest of inputs so as to be brain washed completely. All traces of humanness are removed as they're taught to inflict the worst forms of torture on their prisoners, completing the transformation of a human being to a beast! And the worst form of violence has come out of the ISIS repertoire - decapitation!!

The guy who inflicts the maximum damage and kills, becomes a 'Ghazi'. He gets the highest number of the most beautiful virgins in heaven. In other words, for a jihadi to become a Ghazi, he needs to celebrate the killing of a non-believer! 

My take.

The perpetrators of terror misrepresent religious thoughts and provide their own interpretations which are swallowed hook, line and sinker by their misguided followers.


Kasab, who was nabbed by the Indian security forces during 26/11, must have realised it all during his time in jail and when the court proceedings were progressing against him.  


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