Monday, March 28, 2011

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional!

It's a common trend these days for people to avoid saying sorry or apologise for their mistakes. One wonders as to what prevents them from doing so. Human beings are fallible and are liable to make mistakes. As long as that error's consequences impinge upon the self, there's no issue whatsoever except that it might cause heartburn and needless worry. But if its effects were to put others into difficulty, then an apology is mandatory. I'd an unfortunate occasion to lose my shirt at a young lady, sitting at the counter of a supermarket, who'd misbehaved with Lekha while she was interacting with her. The net result was that Lekha was left behind at the queue and that was the time I'd intervened.

 I just can't understand as to why we don't care about small things like being pleasant and nice to others! It really feels nice to say sorry!!

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