Wednesday, February 20, 2019

In a pensive mood!

Just A Common Soldier.

And the world's a little poorer, for a soldier died today.

He will not be mourned by many, just his children and his wife,
For he lived an ordinary and quite uneventful life.

Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way,
And the world won't note his passing, though a soldier died today.

When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell their whole life stories, from the time that they were young,
But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land
A guy who breaks his promises and cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow who, in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life?

A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives
Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives.

While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal and perhaps, a pension small.

It's so easy to forget them for it was so long ago,
That the old Bills of our Country went to battle, but we know

It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom that our Country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand,
Would you want a politician with his ever-shifting stand?

Or would you prefer a soldier, who has sworn to defend
His home, his kin and Country and would fight till until the end?

He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us we may need his like again.

For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part
Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honour while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days.

Perhaps, just a simple headline in a paper that would say,
Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier died today.

                                                                   - Lawrence Vaincourt.

* For the 40 gallant men who had passed into the mist of time at Pulwama, in Jammu and Kashmir just a few days ago!

Missing Man Formation - SURYAKIRAN    20 Feb '19.

Yesterday our world renowned Suryakiran aerobatic display team lost one of its finest display pilots, Wing Commander Sahil Gandhi, who was part of the core team that resurrected the Suryakiran on the Hawk aircraft in 2015. As a fitting tribute to one of their beloved team mates, the Suryakirans will now fly from your left in the "Missing Man Formation". As the three aircraft approach from your left, you shall see the position immediately right of the leader conspicuously empty signifying the departure of their comrade.

The team lost a buddy, the IAF a thorough professional and the nation a Hero.

Flight is freedom in its purest form.

To dance with the clouds which follow the storm

To roll and glide, to wheel and spin

To feel the joy that swells within

Should my end come while I am flying

Whether brightest day or darkest night

Spare me your pity and shrug off the pain

Secure in that knowledge that I would do it again

For each of us is created to die

And within me I know, I was born to fly.

                                                     - At the flypast today.

* For Wing Commander Sahil Gandhi with pride! And for the Suryakirans for many more successful sorties!!


Had got up with the alarm, gone through our chores and were ready well in time. Vineesh had arrived by a quarter past 9. The left garden tap broke and I isolated the line by turning off a valve on the right side of the balcony. We left soon after, for the Geeyem Motors, to collect our Chevy. Lekha, along with Preetha, had gone to the Mammiyoor Siva Kshethram soon after.

After their return, Lekha had called up Sajeev, the electrician-cum-plumber who' turned up half an hour later and fixed the problem. Vineesh had driven the Chevy into the porch as Sajeev was preparing to go away and I'd told him that he must break his promise of not attending house defects as he had to tend his shop.

He smiled and nodded.....wonder what he meant by that?   

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