Thursday, February 27, 2020

Limbering up....

Got up earlier than usual to finish up the work that was pending. Knocked off to sleep and skipped the morning walk. Actually, the doctor's words that walking does not necessarily have any effect on sugar levels have dampened my enthusiasm, somewhat!

Today was the maid, Bina's last day with us. She went about her work briskly and left at her usual time, on completion. She has got a job at the Guruvayur Devaswom and has done the same job earlier when her boss had got the tender for the work. She has left us after almost 3 months and has told Lekha that she's ready to do any work here; she only needed to be called and a reasonable time to react. Damn sweet of her!

Lekha has spoken to a few, for a new one and hopefully, someone will fetch up by the first week of March. There is plenty of movement for us next month; wonder when we would actually settle down to sort out this issue. Meanwhile, during this absence of ours, Pushpakaran, the farmhand will water the plants and the grass patch.

The Quarterdeck was shut down progressively: the heat has become oppressive. Some satisfying news heard in the course of the day, the corona virus cannot survive the environment with tropical climate. So Kerala, thankfully, will be spared of the dreaded virus. 

Babish, the plumber-cum-electrician, fetched up prior to sunset and set the light in the dining hall right - it was yet another repair by replacement!

Meanwhile, more and more murky secrets are tumbling out of the closet regarding the incitement of the recent riots in Delhi. It's sad as to how unscrupulous guys can put one citizen against the other by spreading lies and encouraging hatred, to culminate in violence! The full disclosure must come as a hard lesson for each one of us, who love our country.

Handed over the gate key to our neighbour to allow the KSEB meter reader, to note down the readings and the farmhand, to water the plants.


The heat is getting to be unbearable and correspondingly, the water table is receding and mind you, the month of February is still on. Meanwhile, the work of clearing the compound around Raj Nivas, back home, is going on steadily, reports the caretaker.

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