Monday, January 18, 2021

Interesting aspects about height.

Weight is related to height. All the formulae/concepts of weight measurements are linked to height. We all discuss about weight but not many discuss about height. Weight keeps on increasing throughout our lives but height doesn't. It increases till a certain age and starts decreasing by cm per decade after the age of 40 years. So, height is an interesting subject.

There are various types of heights - Risky, Discriminatory, Ideal, Most Attractive, Decent, Healthiest and God's. Heights are different for Asians and others. Height can be increased to some extent by taking care of growing children.

(a) Risky height. Height 5' 3'' or below is considered as Risky height. People with risky heights are prone to heart related issues. They should take extra care to protect their hearts.

(b) Discriminatory height. Men of height 6' 2" or above and women of 5' 10" or above are discriminated and they are in low demand for matrimony.

Effects of being tall. They have low heart and low diabetes problems. They are confident in social situations. They are happy and enjoy full life but are prone to fall injuries and recovery from injuries take a long time. Too tall people die early. The tallest man, Robert, died at the age of 22 years (1918 to 1940). Among other top 10 tall people, only one reached 56 years of age.

(c) Ideal height. For men, it's 5' 11" and for women, it is 5' 7".

Models. Male models are generally of 6' height or above and female models are normally 5'8" and above. For Miss India, height criteria starts 5'3" upward.

(d) Most attractive height. 5' 8" as per studies.

(e) Decent height. 5' 9".

(f) Healthiest height. For men is 6' and for women is 5' 5''.

(g) God's height. Lord Shiva is believed to be of the same height as an adult male horse viz. 5' 9". In the Bible, Jesus is supposed to be of height 6' 2".

* Average height as per Sep 2020 report. Men 5' 8" (177 cm) and women 5' 3" (162 cm). During the last 100 years, there is growth in height of men by 2.9 cm and women 4.9 cm.

* Height growth period up to 20 years age. Girls height is linked to puberty. They may gain height for the next two years after the menstruation after which it, generally, stops.

* Loss of height. As you grow old, there are changes in bones, muscles and joints which result in height loss. After the age of 40 years, there is a loss of 1 cm per decade. After the age of 70 years, this loss may be 1 cm to 3 cm.

Those who are above 70 years should check their heights and confirm with old record if any.


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by a 10' to 10. Suma was back at work after a lapse of four days, in connection with her daughter's wedding.

Lekha and her sister had gone across to the National Supermarket to buy sundries at about a half past 10.



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