Thursday, April 14, 2022

Setting up of the Vishukkani.

Got up at around 6, the chores and was ready by 10. Got things ready for the evening, bit by bit. Lekha managed the kitchen and played host to our new neighbours while giving crisp orders to the concerned people to fetch the requisite articles that go to form the 'kani' ultimately.

Suma kunjamma had gone across to the temple after getting her reservation done, for the train at Sunday night at 9, to return to Thiruvananthapuram.

Pushpakaran, along with Warriath chechi, came by to collect their share of the Labernum flowers from the tree at our courtyard. Chandran from Rajah House and our new neighbours were given a share of the flowers.  

Suma kunjamma had returned by a half past 7 from her temple visit. Meanwhile, Vishu kaineettam was handed over to Suma, the maid, Mithun (National Supermarket's delivery boy), Pushpaakaran (the farm hand), Rejith (the drycleaner's delivery boy) and Rahul (the Medicare's delivery boy). 

After dinner, around 10, Lekha and I had got down to set up the Vishukkani. Remembered my mother's active participation from 2014 - 2016, who directed us in setting up the entire thing! And I had the honour of bringing her down to see the 'kani' early next morning, negotiating the flight of stairs!

By the time we'd set up the Vishukkani this time, it was around a quarter to 11. The settings seem to be all right but I'd to collect some more of the Labernum flowers and a few small bunches of the 'Thulsi' leaves before giving it the final touch.

Today was the first day of the Malayalam month of Medam and Vishu, will be celebrated this year on the second day of the month, after the transit of the Sun through the First Point of Aries! And we have Suma kunjamma, as our guest, on the occasion!


It was a quiet day otherwise and the sky was overcast throughout, making it a rather dull day. Rains fell after I'd seen the news headlines of the day at 9.

Kittu had come by for the morning feed and he seemed to be bothered by the discomfort owing to the gash on his left neck. He didn't fetch up thereafter. God, do please take care of him!

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