Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On an artificial limb!

I'd, in a few posts earlier, narrated about how Lekha's dad had his right leg amputated thanks to complications caused by diabetes. After the healing of the wound, he's been provided with an artificial limb which he's slowly getting used to. He is with us currently on his onward transit to his ancestral house over the coming weekend. It feels sad to see him hobbling around with his new dispensation but I suppose it's not sympathy that he needs from us and we make it a point not to exhibit it! But there was a poignant moment in the process. He turned off to bed with his footwear on, saying that it keeps him ready to go to the washroom anytime during the night when an eventuality arises! This acceptance of the harsh reality is against the backdrop that he's very meticulous in his personal habits and he'd have considered such an act unthinkable a few months back!! I suppose, necessity is the mother of all inventions! It's my fervent hope that he gets used to his new appendage.

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