Monday, December 16, 2019

The wonderful English language!

The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for the various groups of animals.

We are all familiar with a
Herd of cows,
Flock of chicken,
School of fish,
Gaggle of geese and a
Pride of lions.

However, less widely known is :
A Murder of crows,
An Exaltation of doves,
And, presumably because they look so wise :
A Congress of owls.

Now consider a group of Baboons.
They are the loudest, most
dangerous, most obnoxious, most
viciously aggressive and least
intelligent of all primates.......

And what is the proper collective
noun for a group of baboons? Believe
it or not........A Parliament!


Pretty much explains everything doesn't it?


Another ordinary day. Went to town around a half past 10 to convert talk-time to broadband-time on the dongle and the company said that it was not possible! Instead the youngster taught me as to how I could use up the talk-time after downloading yet another App. Bought a few things before getting back. The auto rickshaw that I'd hired from our stand was driven by Edwin, who was working in an eatery run by four Indians at Bahrain, while staying at Sharjah. Between them, each gets a six-month break and he was on a break that will end on the 5th of Jan. He was driving his dad's vehicle just to beat the boredom and to allow his dad to have some rest. A nice youngster - all of 26 years - brought up with the right values! I salute his parents and he's their only son.


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