Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Extraordinary steps!

I was quite amused to see the reactions last night to the Prime Minister's teaser of the massive economic package being was a teaser, the actual details will be coming out over the next few days......

A whole lot of our 'esteemed' critics were rendered speechless, probably unable to comprehend the size of the package......
India is only used to comprehending the number of zeroes after a numeral when it comes to corruption scams.....

This is a stimulation package.......

A noted TV anchor wanted to know where that kind of money is going to come from? Well if you are going to believe your own lies about the state of our economy, you'll definitely wonder about where that kind of money is going to come from? We mustn't forget the fact that India is the fifth largest economy in the world.....

Another prominent critic of the government, a left liberal this time, criticised the government for restricting FDI......He must have meant investments from China.....India has not shut its doors on FDI, only FDI from certain destinations.

This is precisely what the PM meant.....Go local....(Reduce your dependence on Chinese goods).

All over the world, nations are looking inwards.....There is indeed a great churning taking place. The Prime Minister wants to position India in the pole position to take advantage of the arisng opportunities.....

After World War II, two countries, Germany and Japan rose phoenix like to reclaim their space. It needed iron self discipline and focus and a lot of nationalist spirit, energies channelised into industry......This package is intended to boost our economic activity.....Even if we get a fifty percent return on investments, which I believe is a fairly consevative figure, look at the stimulus it generates.......

There are many who said that they could not understand what the Prime minister said......I missed out on the live speech....But I caught up on a recorded version subsequently....The same has been dissected on social media adequately.......

I will not like to add on to the mountain of material already available......Suffice to say, that this speech reflected a reiteration of our ancient values.

We have got the first installment on the package will astound a lot many critics with its range and details......Brilliant minds have been working on this over the last few weeks.

One of the greatest irritants of certain critics, liberals and experts is the total lack of 'leaks' from within the government.....

No one had an idea of what was coming before the PM spoke....The old journalistic tagline, 'as received from sources within the government' no longer holds true.....

There are no sources within the government. This inability to crack the code of silence is making some of our 'journalists' feel so irrelevant.....It's making our opposition parties also paranoid....

Let us await the grand unveiling over the next few few will be something the likes of which have never been seen before.....It's an unprecedented situation and it is only appropriate that our responses are equally unprecedented.....

- Col Rajib Bhuiyan.


Got up at a half past 4, the chores and we were off in George's cab by 10' past 7, for work at Palakkad. Had an extension of our breakfast of idlis and chutney powder on reaching Palakkad by 9; George took full advantage of the comparatively sparse traffic. Lekha's sister and Ashok had arrived soon after. After completing our work, we were on our return and reached home by a half past 3.

Since the taxis are prohibited from using air conditioners, it was a rather warm journey up and down. A quiet evening, thereafter!     

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