Monday, December 7, 2020

English and Mathematics.

Nutty language this English......

  1. When you say "a, e, i, o, u" your mouth gets smaller with each vowel you say.

  2. You don't really wash your hands.....they wash each other while you stand there and watch......

  3. Things are not on is on things!

  4. When you say 'forward' or 'backward'....your lips move in those directions! (Yes...just like that!)

  5. The word 'Australia' has three As.....all of which look the same, but are pronounced differently! (Surprised??).

  6. If you rip a hole in a net, there are actually fewer holes in it than before!

  7. The sentence "All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life" actually correct! (Getting too much??) 

  8. Sometimes you have to sing the whole alphabet in your head.....just to find the next letter!

  9. "Dammit I'm Mad" backwards is still "Dammit I'm Mad". (And that's the condition you have almost reached).

 10. Nothing is behind your back. It is always in front of your back!! (Now that's stretching it a little bit too far!!)

 11. Most of the time the people who tell you to calm down are the same people that made you angry in the first place! ( got that right!)

 12. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is not fun to say but ironically, this is the medical term for the fear of long words! (Nailed it?...Right?)

  *         *          *

Basics of Mathematics

One of the basics of Mathematics is knowing whether the number is even or odd, divisible by 2 and by the sum of its numbers.....but look at this strange number....

The number 2520 looks like a normal number like other numbers but it is not like that. It is a strange number and is rarely found between numbers and has puzzled Mathematics geniuses to this day......!

The strange thing is that it is divisible by numbers from 1 to 10, whether these numbers are odd or even!

It is known that it is difficult or even impossible to find a number that does that!

And when we say the division is accepted, we mean without any fractions remaining after the division process......!

Follow the practical application :

2520 divide by 1 = 2520 * 2520 divided by 2 = 1260 * 2520 divided by 3 = 840 * 2520 divided by 4 = 630 * 2520 divided by 5 = 504 * 2520 divided by 6 = 420 * 2520 divided by 7 = 360 * 2520 divided by 8 = 315 * 2520 divided by 9 = 280 * 2520 divided by 10 = 252.

And after mathematicians were confused about finding a convincing mathematical relationship that would make one number divisible in this strange way, they discovered that this number is the product of the numbers : 7x30x12 that may appear at first glance to be random numbers but it is not!

So the surprise that made them more confused than their first was that this number 2520 is a multiplication of days in a week 7 x days in a month 30 x months in a year 12.


Got up a trifle late, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10. It was a quiet Monday.

The LDF candidate had come by for seeking our votes.

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