Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The business of fighting!

For all my fellow Indians who sometimes find it hard to understand as to why do we need such a big and professional Army and why should the nation bear the burden of all the Taam Jhaam that comes with it.....Just have a look at Afghanistan. This is what happens when your Army doesn't have the will or what we call Irada in the fauj. Even the most modern weapons given by the Americans and Training by both US and India couldn't install a sense of belongingness and Will to confront the Taliban.

Soldiering and the sheer determination to face odds just doesn't come by wearing a Uniform and donning Ray bans. It's intense training and a will power that can't be broken is what makes an Army. So next time you see an Indian soldier.....close your eyes and thank him for all the parties.....long drives.....Peaceful lives and many more luxuries that we enjoy everyday. Just wish him good luck. That's all that a soldier wants.

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When I joined the military I was taught "the military is here for a few reasons and a couple, probably primary, are to kill people and break things and the sooner you learn that and their way of doing it, the better off you will be".

Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Congressman, has just said a few things about the military in response to a stupid question from an equally-focused CNN reporter about the DoD ban of transgenders joining the US armed forces. He nails it.

"Nobody has a 'right' to serve in the Military. Nobody. What makes people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer? Very far from it.

The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. Citizens are denied for having flat feet or for missing or additional fingers.

Poor eyesight will disqualify you as well as bad teeth. Malnourished? Drug addiction? Bad back? Criminal history? Low IQ? Anxiety? Phobias? Hearing damage? Six arms? Hear voices in your head? Self-identification as a Unicorn? Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair?

Can't run the required course in the required time? Can't do the required number of push-ups? Not really a 'morning person' and refuse to get out of bed before noon? All can be reasons for denial.

The Military has one job. War. Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream 'That isn't Fair'? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful.

YOU change yourself to meet Military standards.....Not the other way around.

I say again : You don't change the must change yourself. The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to Win Wars.

If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality....Thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavours.

Who's next in line?"


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10. The usual Wednesday 'aarathi' of the house was carried out.

Gopu gave me the information that the pay and emoluments of the KEDES workers has been settled, which is good. Have asked him for their medical insurance case also to be sorted out at the earliest.

A thoroughly wet evening, because of which the Amazon delivery boy and Suma, the maid didn't turn up as promised. 



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