Friday, December 31, 2021

Inputs from the US regarding Covid Defence!

Two of my course mates from the NDA are now, permanent citizens out there. here are their feedbacks about the Covid defences out there. My daughter in Bombay and a friend's daughter in the US contracted covid at the same time.

(a) In Bombay, I got home Antigen test kit delivered to my door step within half an hour. The US friend has to do several visits to the pharmacy since there is a short supply of kits.

(b) Bombay - the home visit for RTPCR was done in an hour after phone booking.
USA - the patient has to personally go to a local CVS pharmacy to get the test done after fixing a prior appointment which is available after 4 - 7 days.

(c) Now comes the best part, Bombay RTPCR result within 10 hrs, US result after FOUR days.
Till then the covid positive patient is free to infect others.

(d) Bombay RTPCR  test costs $10, US $100.

Now you know why India has a much lower infection rate. And then they call us third world. Proud Indian.

The Counter

Factually not correct.
In my town, tests are by drive through at most pharmacies.
Vaccination is free of cost and is on first come first serve basis at the county fairgrounds.
In the beginning, they even paid $25 for test and $100 for vaccination.
Most states have $1 million lottery every month for vaccination.
Bad part, 50% population still refuse to get tested/vaccinated. Hence the large numbers.

Counter to the counter

* Normal testing is free but for travel RTPCR test one has to pay which is quite steep. About 20 days back my brother-in-law in Chicago, had to miss his flight to India due not receiving the report on time, though the sample was drawn within the airlines' stipulated time frame.

* No home visit for any test.

* Antigen testing kits not available.....all sold out.

* Vaccine of course is free but presently, wait time for booster in some states (eg. Maine) is quite long.

Even POTUS has admitted on TV that testing infrastructure is not up to the desired/required level, as nobody had anticipated the arrival of Omicron.

Situation may vary in different parts of the US.

My take.

And here, we blame Modi for anything and everything despite the fact that he's doing such a great job!


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by a half past 9. 

Video chat with family. It was nice. 

A quiet evening!

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