Monday, June 1, 2020

At Kochi.

Lekha's alarm woke us up at 4, the chores and we were ready by 6 and left 'The Quarterdeck' at 13' past 6. It did rain early in the morning but as we hit the highway, the rains - promised by the Met department - were, thankfully, missing. Later got an updated meteorological report saying that the cyclonic winds had gone northwards and were poised to cross coast between Goa and Bombay.

The drive was nice and we'd our first rest room break at the second petrol pump after the Paliyekkara toll gate, where, incidentally, we'd to wait for an absurd 17' on a FASTag! Wonder who the person is who should be fine tuning this issue, but I'm just waiting to meet that guy in person because despite state-of-the-art-technology, the ordinary motorist is being offered a dilapidated system where the waiting period keeps getting extended. This nonsense needs to stop, here and now!

We reached 'Shenoy Care' by 0935 hrs. Lekha had finished her breakfast and proceeded to do the registration formalities and I returned to the parking as only, the patient was allowed to meet the doctor. Had the lovely set of vegetable sandwiches made by Lekha. The social distancing was being maintained and the crowd was comparatively less....we could leave the premises by 1300 hrs. The doctor, as usual, seemed to be satisfied with Lekha's parameters but has fixed up the next appointment after two months.

We, then, made a dash towards my friend, Dr. Satish Bhat. The clinic seemed to be waiting just for me. We'd a long chat about my spiked and not so good readings. A revised dosage has been written, with an advice to meet him after a fortnight. Having finished the tasks for the day, we headed for my cousin's place which was our halt for the night.

Gauri had prepared a lovely lunch for us and we tucked it into our tummies along with Ramakrishnan. Had a long chat and broke off for a short siesta. An early evening shower and we had a visitor in Ambika, my cousin's neighbour. We could talk to a lot of our friends after what had seemed to be a long time!

A comparatively early dinner but the conversation continued, though the pipe down wasn't too late!


A fruitful day, just as I'd planned. Suma informs Lekha that her ration card has been received!     

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