Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A few interesting quotes.

* Every morning you have two options, continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. The choice is yours.

* Mathematics may not teach us how to add happiness or how to minus sadness. But it teaches us one important thing. Every problem has a solution.

* If someone points out your mistake then, always be happy that at least someone is interested in your perfection and success.

* One can make one lakh matchsticks but one matchstick can burn one lakh trees.
Moral. One negative thought can burn all positive thoughts.

* Some flowers grow best in the sun and some grow well in the shade. Remember, God puts up where we can grow best, so always be happy in every situation of life.

* "What is life" never mind the kicks of people because without kicks, we may never reach the goal.

* Chance depends on circumstances and choice depends on your attitude.

* What is education?
At the end of World War II, this letter was found in a Nazi concentration camp.
Dear Teachers,
I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness. Gas chambers built by learned engineers, children poisoned by educated physicians, infants killed by trained nurses. Women and babies shot and burnt by High School and College Graduates. So, I am suspicious of education. My request is : Help your students become human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated illiterates. Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve towards making our children more humane.

* One thing to learn from life is that getting upset will never sort out any issue but getting up to set the things right will help a lot in life.

* The same boiling water that hardens the egg will soften the potato. It depends upon individual's reaction to stressful circumstances.

* When we are wrong and we surrender, it means we are honest. When we are in doubt and we surrender, it means we are wise. But when we are right and we surrender, it means we value relations.


Got up a trifle after 6, the chores and was ready by 10. The path lab team had come by to take Lekha's blood samples for tests.

Connecting up the LPG cylinder gave us problems; shall wait for the IOC rep to come and rectify it.

Helped Lekha in watering the plants.


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