Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Israel has kept its vow!

Last October, can never forget the dastardly attack carried out by the terrorist outfit, Hamas on innocent Israelis killing many and taking very many women and children as captives. The world was able to see the shabby treatment of Jewish women who were captives.

One felt an impotent - because one couldn't do anything but watch the ghastly scenes - rage for the terrorists for whom there were the so-called 'secularists' of our country who were sympathising and shedding crocodile tears! It was pathetic.

Then came the biggest joke when a few intellectuals(?) from around the world wrote on an Instagram post that their eyes were on the school that Israel had bombed, killing school children.

Israel was quick to make a counter on Instagram, asking "Where were your eyes last October?" An embarrassed Instagram quickly pulled down the post, realising its mistake or folly as you'd like to term it!

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu had vowed that he would ensure that the Hamas terrorist network would be smashed and he showed no remorse even when the world chided him for his ruthless military action against the terror network.

And today, he has achieved his aim when the Hamas chief, Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran.

Well done, Israel! Bravo PM Benjamin Netanyahu!! Let this be a lesson for the other world leaders not to buckle under terrorists' pressure!!!


Got up at a half past 5, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

The maid was in for work.

Yet another wet day.

Shekhar had booked my ticket for New Delhi.

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