Saturday, July 6, 2024

Something to ponder!

A harmful truth is always better than a useful lie!

I never understood one thing that what do these film actors or actresses do that they get 50 crores or 100 crores for each film.

In a country where top scientists, doctors, engineers, professors, officers etc. get 10 lakh to 20 lakh rupees per year, in that country a film actor earns 10 crore to 100 crore rupees per year. What does he do after all?

What is their contribution in the development of the country? After all, what does he do that he earns so much in just one year that it might take 100 years for the top scientist of the country?

Today, the three areas which have fascinated the new generation of the country are cinema, cricket and politics.

The earning and prestige of the people belonging to these three fields is beyond all limits.

These three areas are the ideals of modern youth, while their credibility is currently under question.

Is it, therefore, useful for the country and the society?

Courtesy. What'sApp


Fetched up at Guruvayur by a quarter past 12. The train that was running late had made up lost time towards the end. However, the fleecing of the passengers by the autorickshaw drivers is real and pathetic because the police looks the other way!

Got up groggily, the chores and was ready by 10. After a quick breakfast, dashed off to the bank to drop my credit card cheque and buy fish for Kittu, Chakki and Manjakkandan from the Thampuraanpadi fish stall.

Siesta after a long break.

The evening chores!

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