Tuesday, April 28, 2020

CDC adds additional symptoms to the COVID-19 list.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has added several new symptoms to its list for the corona virus : chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, repeated shaking with chills and a lost of taste or smell.

The new symptoms that join the existing list : fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

The expanded list could help those who are trying to identify whether they have symptoms related to COVID-19. With a limited number of test kits available, those who want to take a test must show symptoms first.

Several patients with the corona virus began reporting a loss of taste or smell last month, as well as muscle pain, chills and a headache.

The CDC website still says symptoms appear within 2 to 14 days of exposure to the virus. Importantly, the "emergency warning signs" for COVID-19 include trouble with breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, bluish lips or face and confusion or not being able to rouse. People with these symptoms should seek medical attention right away, the CDC says.

"This list is not all inclusive", the CDC adds. "Please consult your medical cover provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you".

Also, older adults and those with other medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease, seem to be at a higher risk for having more serious complications from COVID-19, the CDC says. These people should take extra precautions and monitor their symptoms.

New symptoms may be added to the list as scientists learn more about the illness. People have also reported cases of digestive issues, such as diarrhea, according to USA Today.

Others have reported purple or blue lesions on their feet, most commonly in children and young adults, which are being called "COVID toes", the newspaper reported. There have also been reports of COVID patients getting pinkeye.

The virus could also trigger strokes in adults as a result of blood clotting issues, even in patients without a previous medical history and mild symptoms, tests have shown.

This is not to scare you but to help you have adequate knowledge about the pandemic, so that you can seek timely medical assistance in case you pick up any or a few of the symptoms!


Had got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a quarter past 9. There were drizzles in between and also, late in the evening.

Thiruvananthapuram, meanwhile, had experienced thundershowers for over an hour, this evening around 1700 hrs and during the bad weather, another huge branch of the same tree - that had damaged our Science Exploratory bus a week back - had fallen on to the Foundation's building. A full assessment of the extent of damages will be done tomorrow morning and I'm keeping my fingers (and toes too!) crossed. 

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