Monday, January 17, 2022

Covid vaccines - Another viewpoint (1)

It's impossible to achieve immunization with intramuscular Covid-19 vaccines because coronaviruses propagate intracellularly and in the mucus.

All vaccines for Covid-19 are dead upon arrival because the vaccines augment antibodies in the deltoid muscles bypassing the mucus and the mucous membranes, where coronaviruses actually attach and replicate. Any measurement of antibodies post-vaccination is all for naught. These vaccine-induced antibodies are produced in the muscle tissue, far from its target environment in the body. Furthermore, these short-lived antibodies cannot neutralize coronaviruses because they cannot travel inside the cells where coronaviruses propagate. A proper immune response to coronaviruses should include an equal response from the T-cells. Currently, this is best achieved through a full humoral and adaptive immune response via natural infection.

Prevailing immunity comes through natural infection, in the mucus of the nose and includes a full spectrum, T-cell response.

Over 9.5 billion doses of mRNA vaccine were delivered into the arms of people in 2021, yet infections continue to multiply, with case counts surpassing numbers recorded in 2020. Masks, vaccines and isolation have failed to stop a class of viruses that are endemic, are always mutating and are best neutralized in the mucus of the mouth, nose, digestive tract and lungs. This biological reality has been ignored by the fear-mongering media and public health officials who fail to understand how the immune system works.

Not only are there anti-viral treatments and anti-inflammatory protocols to assist the innate immune response but there are ways to thin mucus and prevent the thickening of the mucus so that the body can properly detect and eliminate viral threats. There are phytochemicals that thin the mucus to help the body respond to infections. Herbs such as mullein (Verbascum thapsus L) are beneficial for the innate immune response. Isolated saponins from mullein (Ilwensisaponin A and C) are proven anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agents. There are foods that thicken mucus in the body, too. Upon infection, foods such as sugar and dairy can contribute to excess phlegm and complications in the respiratory tract. be contd.


Got up at a trifle past 6, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10. It was Lekha's show as the maid had taken an off to accompany her sister-in-law for medical review.

Kittu was around throughout the day, demanding his share of the spoils when Lekha was cleaning the fish for cooking.

A quiet day, otherwise.


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