Saturday, January 22, 2022

"Our trip is very short!"

Our trip is very short. I've read this at least five times since this morning. It's so true and beautifully written.

A woman climbed up the bus and sat down beside a man, hitting him with her numerous bags.

When the man remained silent, the woman asked him why he did not complain when she hit him with her bags?

The man replied with a smile. "There is no need to be upset about something so insignificant, as our journey together is so short because I'm getting off at the next stop".

This answer disturbed the woman so much, she asked the man to excuse her and thought the words needed to be written in gold.

Each of us must understand that our time in this world is so short, that darkening it with useless arguments, jealousy, not forgiving others, discontentment and bad attitudes are a ridiculous waste of time and energy.

Did someone break your heart?
Stay calm.
The trip is too short.

Did someone betray you, intimidate, cheat or humiliate you?
Relax - don't be stressed.
The trip is too short.

Did someone insult you without reason?
Stay calm. Ignore it.
The trip is too short.

Did someone make a comment that you didn't like?
Stay calm. Ignore. Forgive, keep them in your prayers and love them still for no reason.
The trip is too short.

Whatever the problems some bring to us, it is a problem only if we think of it, 
remember that our journey together is too short.

No one knows the length of our trip.
No one has seen tomorrow.
Nobody knows when it will arrive at its stop.

Our trip together is too short.

Let us appreciate friends and family. Keep them in good humour. Respect them. Let us be respectful, kind, loving and forgiving.

Because we will be filled with gratitude and joy, after all our trip together is very short.

Share your smiles with everyone......choose your path to be as beautiful as you wish it to be.

Our trip is very short.

- Courtesy What'sApp.


Got up at a trifle past 6, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

Our maid had taken a day off as she complained of body ache. Her substitute, Latha had come in instead.

Kittu was all over and he seems to like being amid us, these days!

Participated in the 552nd edition of the Aazhchakkoottam : "Drugs and the Youth" by Shri S Ananthakrishnan, IPS, ADGP, Government of Kerala from 1600 - 1715 hrs. He'd covered it beautifully, with statistics and mind you, some of them were disturbing.


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