Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A spot of humour!

A Jewish cook went to the Vatican and insisted on seeing the Pope.

After a long wait, the Pope granted him an audience and asked the cook what he could do for him.

The Jew said that he was a cook, before him his father was a cook, his grandfather was a cook, his great grandfather was a cook and that he comes from a family of cooks that goes back to over 2,000 years.....

The Pope congratulated him and asked him again, what could he do for him?

The Jew said, "the bill for the last supper has still not been paid".


Got up at a trifle before 6, the chores and was ready before 10.

A quiet day. Selvam comes and presses a whole lot of clothes. Today, there was a lot of sun and hence the washed clothes have been dried and stowed away.

Lekha and her sister went to Guruvayur temple for their tryst with the Lord. They returned after 6.

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