Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Chathayam - the fourth onam!

Got up at 4, the chores and we were ready by a quarter past 6. The caretaker, as usual, had come to help me with the luggage and its loading in the boot. Sadly, in the heat of the moment, had missed saying bye to mom and dad. Felt really sad!

We kicked off for Guruvayur by a quarter to 7. The first break was at the Randalummooddu Nagaraja kshetram. After my prayers, had interacted with the pujari, who was only too happy to interact with me. Shaped course through Kottarakkara.

The Chevy behaved well throughout after the recent repairs.

Had breakfast of puri-bhaaji around a half past 8 at Changanasserry. Lunch was at Valapad as I'd cut towards Moonnupeedika from Pota. The road was nice and this exercise is being followed thanks to the pathetic condition of the Thrissur-Guruvayur road!

Reached Guruvayur by a quarter to 3. Lekha purchased grocery, sundries and the fruit basket from the shops that we usually visit out here.

Reached The Quarterdeck by a half past 3. Unpacking and opening up of the house were carried out.

A quiet evening, thereafter!

Since we were early, we weren't swamped by the Chathayam ghoshayatra! Phew!!  

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