Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Today, Rahul Gandhi, while interacting with the Indian diaspora in Virginia, US has spoken falsehoods. He has said that :-

 * In India, Sikhs are scared to wear a turban
 * They are scared to wear a 'kada' - the steel bangle.

Why is he peddling lies? Isn't he trying to foment trouble in this country? 

As the leader of the opposition and the leader of a political party, how does he have the gumption to spread lies, outright?

My take

He should be taken into custody and tried for treason! He seems to have realised that he can never win an election and is therefore, trying to usurp power by inciting people. The US deep-state is aiding and abetting him in this narrative. 

But what he and his ilk doesn't realise is that the same guys who are engaging him must be ridiculing him because the point is that no one respects a guy who lets down his country!


Got up at a 20' past 5, the chores and was ready by a half past 9.

Mini had fetched up by 8 and Padmakumar, by 9. Mini helped Lekha with her saree.

We went across to the Soju Auditorium for the engagement ceremony of Anuraj (Archa's brother) and Mini. A nice ceremony but I felt bad that I couldn't wipe my banana leaf clean and had wasted food. Felt guilty.

Mini and Padmakumar left soon after. 

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