Sunday, August 27, 2023

Adieu Cdr KB Kar.

Kailash Bihari Kar of the 50th course of Juliet Squadron was a great fan of mine. Got the news that he'd passed into the mist of time earlier in the day after fighting a losing battle with dengue.

The first time I'd met Kar, in the real sense, was during Dec '76 about 10 days before the passing out parade at the NDA. He'd come to me during the farewell function at the NTT (Naval Training Team) and asked for my notes on the service subjects, including the rough workbook. I'd passed out with distinction and was the winner of a 'silver anchor' for my overall performance, which was displayed on my chest while in uniform. 

In the navy, our paths crossed each other's during transfers and moves. It was in Jun '84 that we met again, this time at INS Hamla as I was off to INS Agrani on completion of the (Long Logistics and Management Course) LLMC 3 and he was in, as a participant of LLMC 4. At that time, too, he'd collected my notes and rough working books/sheets saying "Now I know that I'll clear the course without any hassles!" I was kicked about his confidence in my efforts!!

After that, I'd met him at the Palk Bay in 1987-'88 during Operation Pawan, while I was commanding INLCU L36. He was the commanding officer of one of the SDBs. He used to come alongside during the night time saying, "I feel comfortable only with you, sir". I used to smile away those episodes till I was deployed at the seaward side of Jaffna with an advice from the then NOIC (M) and I quote, "Appreciate your course mates' spirit but help should be rendered judiciously".  

There was never a dull moment with him around and he used to have a fund of juicy stories about anyone and everyone.

Adieu Kar! My salute, tears and prayers. Om Shanti! Sadgati. May god give your wife and son the strength to tide over these difficult times.  


Got up around a half past 5, the chores and was ready by 10. Breakfast before bath.

Mohan's boys brought the Chevy back after the repair work after lunch time.

The evening chores.  

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