Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia invades Ukraine.

Russia, today, today launched a military operation in Ukraine in what could be the start of war in Europe over Russia's demands for an end to NATO's eastward expansion. Heavy damages have been inflicted on most of the main Ukrainian cities. And there are reports that anti-war protests have broken out on the streets of Moscow. PM Modi is expected to speak to President Putin sometime tonight and probably, we can expect a ceasefire soon.

Some Bitter Truths

* The US has 16 BSL4 (just like Wuhan). We keep hearing about the "next pandemic" from Bill gates.

* It is well known that Obama and Biden pulled off a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and installed their neocon leader, Poroshenko, in Ukraine as President. Then they commenced using Ukraine as the 'corruption headquarters laundering billions of US Aid money (US tax dollars) through Ukraine. Millions of that money went right into the Clinton Foundation as "donation". Really? Biden's son, Hunter was (still is) on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian company, Burisma as an energy consultant @ 50k $.

* Possible that Putin is working to root out the Obama/Biden/Clinton corruption by strategically bombing "military" installations? Why is the Ukrainian President Zelensky (remember he and Trump had a perfect phone call where Trump asked him about Biden) being so "indifferent"?

* Ukraine does not have true borders as stated by the UN Secretary General in 2014. Separatists in Ukraine want to be part of Mother Russia. Putin has recognized their independence from Ukraine.

* NATO has withdrawn one of their strike forces (1000 US military soldiers) and sent them back to Germany. Trudeau - considerably weakened by the ongoing truckers' strike - has done a 180 and surrendered by not going forward with the Emergency Powers Act.

* Looks like Putin is on firm ground though the international media is spinning it to make him look like the bad guy.

Courtesy. What'sApp

My take

Truth is stranger than fiction!


Got up at a quarter past 6, the chores and was ready by a 20' to 10.

Tomorrow is Lekha's appointment with her toothy at Muhamma. Sajeesh will be our sa'arthi for the trip. Didn't want to take out my Chevy on the following counts :-
   (a) The ongoing work by the Kerala Water Authority in laying the pipeline on arterial roads.
   (b) We need to be there by a half past 9 and a professional driver would reach us there on time.
   (c)  And of course, there was no question of taking a chauffeur in our car. Cannot afford to screw up the clutch assembly, all over again.

Helped Lekha in watering the plants. Kittu and Mrs Kittu kept us in splits with their capers! 

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