Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A topsy-turvy evening!

Was completely off the mark with my health, in that, there was this feeling of constriction around the chest which seemed to have no chance of disappearing. It was a miserable day yesterday!

Went through the packing and knocked off to bed at our usual time hoping that things would subside by early in the morning after getting up from sleep but it was not to be.

Took the following decisions :-

   * told Lekha to continue sleeping and to give the 4 o'clock alarm amiss as I'd to report to Dr (Mrs) 
     Sodhi to sort out my medical problem.
  * told Rema and Padmakumar about the change in plans so that they could be on their own to go
     by the Guruvayur - Madurai Fast passenger.
  * sent my message regarding my medical discomfort to the doctor and
  * told Sajish, the driver about the change in our program.

The appointment with the doctor was fixed for an ECG at the Rajah Hospital's Casualty at 9. Sajish was asked to pick us up at a quarter to 9.

Thankfully, there was no abnormality in my ECG. The discomfort was simply gastric! Antidote was provided and the doctor was in attendance throughout the procedure!

It was a quiet day at The Quarterdeck, consequently.


Tomorrow is gonna be a long day! Must hand over our Chevy to mechanic Mohan on reaching

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