Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Back home.

Dateline 06 Aug

Got up at 5, the morning chores and was ready well in time. Akshay bhai and I went across to Mukesh's tea stall nearby to have our morning cuppa and got Maman's in the flask. The local eats were good! We were ready by a half past 8 and we set off for the Kerala House. Met PJ Kurien and Suresh Gopi's brother, Sudhir and conveyed what we'd to pass on regarding the date of release of Muthachchan's biography, in English, by the Prime Minister. Had breakfast of poori-bhaaji and washed it down with coffee.

We, then, went across to Sanjay Logani's DTP shop for a few xerox copies and a printout of my return ticket.

And then to the NBT at Vasant Kunj to meet Col Yuvraj Malik, its director. I sized him to be a guy, full of himself who had a very high opinion about himself! Sad! He could have done wonders, sitting there and I suspect he nurses a grudge against Maman. Wonder why?

Pepped him about how the dishonesty, all around, must be bugging him as 'his honesty was all prevalent'. Consequently, he warmed up to me. Pulled out my pocket expenses from the ATM, just outside the NBT, caught an Uber taxi - driver Raghu Ram, who wanted help from me to get his second son recruited into the IN. Reached T3 around a quarter past 12 at the airport and began my long wait.

Had a good lunch of 'aloo paranthas with home made butter' and coffee.

My flight 15 549 Air India Express was only 1 hour late and had reached Kochi correspondingly late! Sajish was there with the car and we left soon after.

Reached home by a quarter past 11, had a good bath, followed by dinner. Hit the sack by a half past 12! Maman had left New Delhi around 7.   

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