Saturday, August 31, 2024

Vistara to merge with Air India.

Singapore Airlines (SIA) said the Indian government has cleared its Rs. 2,058.50 crore FDI into the enlarged Air India Group as part of Vistara-Air India merger.

12 Nov 2024 is the date of merger.

No immediate change in schedule, aircraft

From 03 Sep, those trying to book Vistara for travel on 12 Nov or beyond will be redirected to Air India's 
website. Customers who have already booked Vistara will automatically have their reservations converted to Air India flight numbers. Though flight numbers will change, the aircraft fleet, flight schedules and crews will largely remain the same till early 2025.

Concerns over service post-merger

* Vistara, which has 90 aircraft, is known for its excellent service quality and in-flight experience, while
   Air India gets panned for its older planes and disruptions due to crew shortage. Industry experts have
   flagged concerns whether Air India will be able to match up to Vistara's high standards.

* The merger will create one of the world's largest airline group.

My take

It's my fond hope that the merged Air India comes up in class and efficiency in its services, taking the cue from Vistara.


Got up at a 20' to 6, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

Pumped out my August mail by about a half past 11. Was I too crass in it, I wonder!

A quiet evening.

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