Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Much ado about nothing!

This morning's headlines of the Indian Express suggesting a sinister motive in the move of a small
column of a mechanised infantry towards Delhi, in January this year, is mischief meant to create
confusion and increase distrust between the armed forces and the government, in the present scenario.

Both the government and the Army were quick to rebut the story and thankfully, the entire political
class had handled the matter with dignity and honour in parliament by roundly trashing the report
as unfounded and served it the contempt that it deserved!The initiators of the bizarre story forget the fact that the armed forces is the only bastion where values, courage, honour, integrity, keeping one's word, chivalry etc mean a lot! Where, just the singing of the national anthem brings one to rigid attention with the attendant goose pimples and the hair standing on end.

There's something else that amazes me when I hear and see cases of indiscretion. I'd like to believe that their parents - just like mine - had ingrained into them the need to be honest and do only the right things in life.

If that be so, where did they learn to do otherwise or why did they deviate from the right path when it comes to doing the right thing for one's country?


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