Saturday, May 19, 2012


Chandradeep, the hair stylist of the ship that I'd commanded, was able to reach me finally. He was mighty pleased to meet me as much as I was to see him after quite a while.

The disarmingly simple man from the interiors of western UP used to take great pains to enhance my looks(?) while narrating one anecdote after the other, which made those sessions interesting and informative. The intricacies of potato farming and the care with which goats were to be looked after for higher milk yield - just to name a couple - were interesting lessons that he'd imparted during those interactions! His wife and two sons stay in the village that he hails from and he visits them once a year when he goes on his month long leave.

My session with him this afternoon was after a fairly long hiatus. His thrill was all too evident when he had called up his wife and children on his cellphone and insisted that I talk to them. For me it was another lesson in human behaviour - I haven't done anything to fetch me his unrestricted love, affection and loyalty. He's promised to visit me once a fortnight from now on. And I really have nothing to offer!

It's truly humbling!!

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