Monday, May 28, 2012

The faithful follower.

This morning I got a call from one of my 'Bong' friends and we'd caught up with each other after what seemed to be a long time. With him around, it's fun and laughter all the way as we share a lot of things in common! And I must tell you as to how we'd ended up being buddies thanks to a humorous incident.

We're at the examination hall to attempt an important subject. He was seated behind me saying that he wasn't confident at all and the examination started on the dot, as per schedule. All of us started attempting the longish question paper in right earnest. I've this habit of answering all my examination papers from the last question and work upwards. And if you're to ask me as to why I do so, I really do not have an answer and no, there's nothing superstitious about it but a habit evolved over time!

 I remember that there were thirteen questions in all and I'd begun with the one at serial 13(c), left a blank against 13(b) as I was unsure of the answer and decided to attempt it later, time permitting and so on! (If my memory serves me right, I'd left it blank, even while returning the answer sheets, as the answer was not forthcoming!)

A few days later, the instructor walked in with the corrected papers and began distributing them, giving his comments on each. My paper was given at the end with the comment that he expected everyone to emulate the manner in which I'd answered the paper - my score was 86 and I was first.

It was then that my friend made an unequivocal declaration and I quote, 'Sir, I can't fail in this paper. Probably, my handwriting might have let me down!' The instructor decided to tackle the issue by checking out his answers against mine and as he went about doing so his mood had changed. I could sense that trouble was just around the corner, waiting to embrace me! And then came the unkindest cut, 'Who has copied whose?'

My friend had then offered his feeble explanation that he'd indulged in a bit of a 'look-see' to ensure as to  whether he'd got them answers right! The instructor was red faced and left the class in a huff.


(a) I was finally given pass marks(40%) for aiding and abetting a partner in crime(?) and my friend was failed requiring him to go through a re-scrub!

(b) My friend is yet to answer me as to why he'd recreated my answer sheet verbatim - with the blank spaces, punctuation et all!!


Was awarded a month's negative seniority for this incident and frankly speaking, it has never affected me, ever. After all, what's a month's negative seniority vis-a-vis a life long friendship?

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