Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why aren't we considerate about others?

I've repeatedly come across people who're unwilling to pay their dues, be it to the newspaperboy or to the milkman or the subscription that's required to be paid for allied services like the lift, potable water etc while staying within walled compounds.

The complaints that have been reported are silly and at times, really unofficerlike - to use a service jargon! I shall try to list out the common excuses that people resort to while shooing away the guys who knock at their doors to collect their rightful share and here they are(I've taken the liberty to add my comments/reactions within brackets):-

     (a) Sahib is not at home. He has the money. (Now, don't tell me that you're a prisoner in your own
           home? Your husband has every reason to be behind bars for ill treating you!)

     (b) I don't have the change, come later. (Come on, don't disturb me on something very silly! I only
           keep big denominations).

     (c) Don't disturb me. Don't you see that I was sleeping? (My beauty sleep is the most precious
           in this world and don't you dare disturb me!)

     (d) My little child is fast asleep after a lot of effort. Your ringing of the bell has disturbed her. Come
           later. (Get lost! And usually slams the door shut, loud enough to wake up the sleeping child!)

My take.

Why can't people be considerate of others? If we do not get our pay by the last day of the month, it pinches us and extending the same argument, the vendors who come and knock at our doors to collect their dues are simply asking for their remuneration for the services rendered. And what's the point in holding on to something that isn't yours?

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