Saturday, August 2, 2014

The wet weather continues!

It has been pouring over the last week making good the deficit in the monsoon, many times over. The encouraging news is that many of the hydel power projects' reservoirs have filled up to near capacity, shedding the fear of power shortage for the year! Thank God for minor mercies!!

There's another persisting trend along with the incessant rains. Winds, gusting up to prohibitive speeds, take a cyclonic hue and hit limited areas creating tremendous havoc and destruction. Consequently, many people have been rendered homeless and are at the mercy of the various governmental agencies for sustenance. The already potholed roads are getting distorted further, making one want to shun possession of personal vehicles. The rain water filled pot holes put the motorists in doubt about their real size, in terms of depth, causing accidents by a dime a dozen.

It's the same old story, yet again. The greedy nexus of the politician-bureaucrat-contractor are waiting to reap the benefits of making a fast buck in the name of road repairs, additions and alterations! Why can't this nonsense be stopped once for all?

I could have my evening outing during the break in the rains and sweat it out after what seemed to be a long time. As I turned in for the night, close to midnight, there was a call - this time, from a cousin at Bangalore reporting another death in the family. Sasi chettan, all of 65 years, had passed into the mist of time owing to a massive heart attack around 2130h! A quiet and dignified individual who was the trouble shooter in his family. Wonder how his mom, Maheswari peramma in her late 80s, is gonna take this loss?


RIP, Sasi chetta! Will miss your dignified demeanour, easy laughter and simple outlook towards life. It would take a while to tide over this situation that you've put us in.

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