Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Eunuch Syndrome and the IAS.

Historically, all Chinese and Muslim courts had eunuchs to guard the Emperor's harem.

After all, who else could be trusted to guard voluptuous damsels all primed for sex.

No. not even the emperor's brother. Most of the eunuchs were those who had been castrated forcibly.
'Surely, none would ever volunteer for this. But once done, they soon realised the benefits. There are numerous stories of how some of them became the emperor's favourites. Most of them were loyal but large numbers were known to have drawn power to themselves.

At least wealth, if not power. The emperor and his family, now so used to being pampered by subservient eunuchs, closed their eyes or were blissfully unaware of how these eunuchs treated their subordinates or lessers.

Probably, they couldn't have cared less.

This was the norm and was accepted as such in all oriental courts. Meekly servile to their lords, they mastered palace politics, played king makers and dispensed favours by misuse of powers and the trust of the masters.

The Indian Civil Service was supposed to be the iron frame on which the largest democracy was supposed to be built. Most of the old guard were scrupulously honest and defended their role, no matter what. But it was only a matter of time when all these principles fell by the wayside. Surrounded by illiterates was and in most cases greedy politicians, the inheritor IAS, soon learned the benefits of mimicking the classical eunuchs.

They learnt that while remainingmeekly submissive to the ignorant politicos and facilitating their greed, they could not only line their own pockets but also indulge in unbridled power play. In a short while, they established themselves in places of power in all ministries and departments. They created myths of how generalist administrators are essential in running enterprises and undertakings that they had no idea how to manage.

One by one, all plum jobs were cornered and appropriated. Damn the organisation, who is in its well being anyway. Air India, SAIL, Coal India and the vast array of PSUs.

A simple logic of shouldn't a specialised PSU be headed by a subject expert or by an engineer was suppressed and confounded.

Soon all the other cadres who had the same entrance exams were downgraded and made subordinate. The ministers and politicians, busy wallowing in the luxury being pampered on them by the new age eunuchs, didn't know, didn't care. They quickly obtained suppliant brothers in arms in this organised plunder, the IPS and the most unlikely of all, the Indian Forest Service.

Fed upon an inbred haughtiness, they presumed and became convinced of their superiority. No promotion exams, no culling of the inefficient and assured career progression. They are now omniscient, omnipotent. Legends in their own minds, as the dialogue from the western, "Dirty Harry". In order to benefit them, they turned their district administration upside down.

The earlier ICS practice of sending experienced officers as District Magistrates or Collectors was soon discarded. District administration, their principal responsibility was farmed off to new recruits or promotees. The new Lords of the Land, after their initial three years, spent their time between state capitals or Delhi. Sprinkled with cushy deputations, theirs became a life of plenty.

The bigger and better eunuchs ended up as CAGs and other fabulous appointments.

Take the recent case of the CAG who previously was the DG Acquisition, indicting his own erstwhile department for laggardly procurement.

All perks, all privileges, zero accountability.

Having deflated the other services, they have brazenly taken on the Armed Forces.

This penis envy of their ICS past, aggravated and encouraged by the politicians jealousy of the uniformed brown sahibs. Now comfortably ensconced as the harem keepers of the ignorant politicians, they have safely struck out at their arch rivals. The last remaining Service which enjoys the admiration and adulation of the suffering masses.

And lo.

Struggling for years under the mind numbing incompetence and opportunist upper hierarchy, the Armed Forces seem to have succumbed.

Propelled by a defective promotion policy, the upper echelons are riddled with incompetence and the inability to even contest even unjust orders emanating from the bureaucracy.

The story continues......let's watch and wait.

Received on What'sApp and I fully endorse the articulation, which incidentally, is a sad reality!  


Got up as usual, went through my chores and was ready well in time. Had finished my packing and carried my baggage to the Foundation. The remainder of the correspondence linked to the Reading Day - Reading Month celebrations was rounded off and consequently, we'd a late lunch.

Mr. TKA Nair was the Guest of Honour at our weekly discussion, "Aazhchakkoottam". I'd taken off for Kottarakkara soon after his lively speech by the first Fast passenger that left the bus bay and reached my destination by a half past 8. Lekha had fetched up by 6 and she'd brought with her our supper from her sister's place!

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